After School Pickups and Dismissals - (3:10, 2:10, & 12:02)

Due to an increase in pickups and walkers this year and in an effort to help traffic flow more smoothly and alleviate lines that may occur on Walnut Street, this information is provided to help clarify student pick-up procedures.

Parking in The Circle Drive: The first car in the circle drive should drive all the way through the circle and stop at the sign by the end of the sidewalk.  All other vehicles, please pull up behind the one in front, but leave the crosswalk in the circle drive clear. If you have an elementary student you are picking up, please stay in your vehicle and we will release students as quickly as possible to your vehicles. Then, when it is safe to do so, you may leave.

 K – 12:  If you are wanting to walk up and pick up your child, please park in the main lot and cross at the crosswalk through the Circle Drive.

NOTE: Buses cannot drop young students (grades PK-4) off without seeing an adult at the home. Students in grades 5-12 can be let off the bus without an adult present.

NOTE: Any Clay City Pre-K through 4th grade resident attending a school regulated activity must be accompanied by an adult.

Early Dismissal and Non Attendance Information

23-24 Student Handbook

*Reminder to parents of 6-12 grade students that they can access their student's Edgenuity information through the family portal with their password at: If you need your activation code please call or email Jessica May 676-1431 or

Cafeteria Information

Elementary: Breakfast $1.70, Lunch $2.30

JH/HS: Breakfast $1.70, Lunch $2.70

HS Extra entree: $2.00, All extra milk $0.50

All Schools Reduced: Breakfast $0.30, Lunch $0.40

Staff: Breakfast $1.80, Entree only $1.00, Lunch $3.25, Entree only $2.00

Pay for lunches and other school fees here.

Parent Connection

View Your Child's Grades Online!

View Your Child's Grades Online!
If you have problems or questions about accessing the site, please contact the school at 618-676-1431.

K-5 Class Supply Lists

Request Transcripts - Parchment

Renaissance Home Connect

Renaissance Home Connect improves the school-to-home connection by allowing parents and students to log into AR (Renaissance) and view their student's reading and math practice and progress towards goals. Access to online results promotes discussion between parent and student, which motivates students and can make reading and math practice even more effective. In addition, parents can specify up to six email addresses to receive automatic updates on their student's math and reading progress.


Click here to view the Illinois State Board of Education site.


Useful Links

Below are links to helpful websites to learn more about your children's rights and services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program:

Illinois Homeless Education Program

The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE)

Parents/Guardians may obtain information by calling 676-1431 for assistance.

Clay City CUSD #10 provides each homeless student assistance through the Illinois McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program.

Title: Information for School-Age Youth, Image of 5 high school students, Text: If you live in any of the following situations: In a shelter, in a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation, in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station, or doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship, then you may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act. Eligible students have the right to receive a free, appropriate public education, enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment, enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents, enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin (the school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is their preference. If the school district believes that the school selected is not in his/her best interest, then the district must provide the student with a written explanation of its position and inform the student of his/her right to appeal its decision.  Eligible students also have the right to receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested and to receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to the students' needs. If you believe  you  may  be eligible, contact the local liaison to find out what services and supports may be available.  If you need further assistance with your educational needs, contact the National Center for Homeless Education at 1-800-308-2145 or or